Monday, April 29, 2013

Dojo Master Shane

Congratulations to our Dojo Master of the week! 
Last week, Shane earned the most DOJO points in our class!

Spelling List 29

List 29 contains words with the vowel + r Sound (r- controlled vowels) pattern. Remember these spelling patterns for the “ur” sounds:
                         · “er” as in her
                         · “ir” as in girl
                         · “ur” as in turn
                         · “or” as in work
Yellow List
  1. were
  2. water
  3. third
  4. shirt
  5. turn
  6. word
  7. work
  8. sure
  9. earth
  10. heard
Blue List
  1. were
  2. water
  3. third
  4. shirt
  5. turn
  6. word
  7. work
  8. sure
  9. earth
  10. heard
  11. during
  12. power
  13. certain
Green List
  1. familiar
  2. power
  3. during
  4. sugar
  5. temperature
  6. certain
  7. water
  8. third
  9. hurt
  10. sure
  11. heard
  12. earth

Friday, April 26, 2013

Finally, a ray of sunshine!

 After another week of snow, we FINALLY get some sun! We got to enjoy a wonderful 65 degrees during second recess today. It's about time spring made an appearance.

This week we entered into our ClassDojo. This fun program allows us to earn points for positive behaviors and trivia questions. Our twenty students together earned 353 points!

Next Tuesday is the last day of April. Reading calendars for this month will be turned in Wednesday morning. This means there are only 5 more days for you to work toward your goal! Let's get 20 this month!

Next Wednesday we have a Science test, so make sure to study, study, study!

What else happened this week?

Ella cried, “We are making clay birds in art class.” :)  
Jonah barked,”We are starting class Dojo and it will be so fun!”                              
Kobe yelled, “In gym we started Jump Rope for Heart.”
Aidren yawned, “We are doing voice threads for ‘Poem in Your Pocket’.”
Reagan whispered, “We had a substitute teacher for gym today.”
Brett  cried, “We had the kinderbuddies read to us.”                                                                          
Genna yelled, “We are starting Jump Rope For Heart in gym.”
MJ yelled, ”We had our spelling test today!”
Mari announced, “We are doing endangered animal reports!”  
Cody yelled, “We had the kinderbuddies in our room”!!!!!
Jacob roared, ‘’We had a assembly in the gym. Mrs. LesStrang was talking about lunch smiley faces if we get the most smiley faces we get music during our lunch time. And if  we're quiet in the hallways and a teacher sees, we get a star.”  
”We are making clay bird baths in art and in our next art we get to glaze them and make them fabulously awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!” Amelia exclaimed.

Courtney exclaimed, “We have a science test next Wednesday!”
Austin yelled, “We had a assembly and Mrs. LesStrang said at the end of the year we are having a dance party.”
Isaiah howled, “We are making art projects!”
Phing howled, “We have 15 stars and 3 blue stars from Mrs. LesStrang, which is worth 2 points. The yellow ones are worth 1 point. And we had a math game day today.”

“We had our times test today!!!!!!!!!” Makenna announced.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Spelling List 28

This list contains words with a vowel + r Sound (r- controlled vowels) pattern.

 Remember these spelling patterns for the vowel + r sounds:

•“ar” as in start

•“ear” as in clear

•“or” as in storm

Yellow List
  1. start
  2. Arctic
  3. charm
  4. near
  5. clear
  6. hear
  7. storm
  8. more
  9. door
  10. year
  11. toward

Blue List
  1. start
  2. Arctic
  3. charm
  4. near
  5. clear
  6. hear
  7. storm 
  8. more
  9. door
  10. year
  11. toward
  12. appear
  13. alarm
  14. backyard

Green List
  1. alarm
  2. backyard
  3. appear
  4. unclear
  5. force
  6. sword
  7. door
  8. year
  9. toward
  10. start
  11. Arctic

Friday, April 19, 2013

I guess April Fool's Day is turning into April Fool's Month!

April's over half way done and it's STILL SNOWING??!?? It snowed on our desk tops too!

Jonah barked, “We had our Unit 5 Math test.”   
Ella screeched, “Chris Rumble came to our school and did a ton of fun stuff!”                                      
Kobe howled, “We are studying dinosaurs with our Kinderbuddies.”
Aidren exclaimed, “We started ‘Jump Rope for Heart’ in Gym.”
Reagan yelled, “We are making bird baths in Art.”
Brett whimpered, “We played tug-of-war in Gym.”                                                                           
Genna yelled, “We are researching endangered animals.”
MJ whispered, “We had our spelling test on Friday.”
Mari exclaimed, “We started our Smarter Balanced Testing.”
Cody whispered, “We started unit 8 in Math, FRACTIONS!”
Jacob announced, “We are learning about poetry.”
Amelia exclaimed, “We got to see the 4th and 5th grade program practice in the gym.”
Bethany laughed, “We drew funny poem pictures in Writer’s Workshop.”
Shane announced, “We are getting ready for Poem in Your Pocket day.”
Courtney exclaimed, “We voted to pick our theme for our Ice Cream Social  basket.”
Austin barked, “We are learning about the water cycle in Science.”
Isaiah yelled, “We’re making maps in Social Studies.”
Phing howled, “Green list in spelling got a bonus word from Mrs. Hanson.”
Elijah screeched, “We did a P90X workout in Gym.”
Makenna yelled, “We our working on a clay project in Art."

Friday, April 12, 2013

If April showers bring May flowers, what does April snow bring??

 Alright, seriously Mother Nature? You're HILARIOUS! I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe weekend! 

This week we continued our discussion on environmental issues. What are they and what can we do? The next few weeks will be spent researching a specific environmental issue we chose together; ENDANGERED SPECIES! 

Here we are working as team members to find the answers to our ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS.

 I observed some AMAZING team work as my little researchers worked hard to focus on their topic. We learned the importance of thinking ahead before researching; so we know what to look for!

We also talked about why it is important to hear all sides of a story. When researching a topic, why is it important to collect evidence from fiction pieces as well as non-fiction? To gain perspective! We discuss perspective with our friend, The Lorax (with permission from Mr. Podeweltz of course).

Our door has been invaded by Truffula Trees!

We thought about how the choices we make can influence others and we wrote one choice we would make to improve our community.

 Even George got in the spirit!

 And in math, our good friend zero left us. =( We are learning how to read numbers AFTER a decimal point! Check out our MATH FUN page for our name project.

Some of our comments from this week:

Reagan exclaimed, “We did golf for gym”
Amelia exclaimed, “In music Miss Jensen and Miss Panzer played us a song!”
Bethany whispered, “We had game day and I had lots of fun!”
Courtney exclaimed, “We did golf in gym."
Phing sang, “We brought electronics for game day.”

Spelling List 27

This weeks spelling list contains words with the suffix –er, and -est (comparative/superlative adjectives)

A suffix is a letter or group of letters, that is added to the end of a root (base) word such as:
               · “-er” as in bigger (comparative) meaning “more or less”
               · “-est” as in biggest (superlative) meaning “most or least”

Yellow List
  1. better
  2. later
  3. best
  4. darker
  5. colder
  6. faster
  7. nicest
  8. taller
Blue List
  1. darker
  2. coldest
  3. faster
  4. nicest
  5. richer
  6. softest
  7. taller
  8. whitest
  9. better 
  10. later
  11. best
  12. earlier
  13. prettiest
  14. friendlier
Green List
  1. earlier
  2. prettiest
  3. scarier
  4. brightest
  5. friendlier
  6. straighter
  7. better
  8. later
  9. best
  10. coldest
  11. softest
  12. taller
  13. nicest

Monday, April 8, 2013

Making Connections Spelling Directions

Making Connections

Write the spelling word. Then copy the number of the connection you are making, and fill in the blanks with the information needed.

Example: The spelling word is “window”. I decide to use connection #3. My paper would look like this:

Spelling Word: window
#3 window has the word win in it

1. _______ starts like __________(steps, start)

2. _______ rhymes with _________(flew, blue)

3. _______ has the word ________ in it (stairs, air) *at least a 3-letter word

4. _______ is the homophone for _____ (whole, hole)

5. _______ is the synonym for _______(jump, leap)

6. _______ is the antonym for _______(happy, sad)

7. _______ has the base word _______(checked, check)

8. _______ has the same vowel pattern as ______(rain, trait)

Spelling List 26

This week's list contains noun and verbs that change endings (y to i,+ es or ed: f to v+es)

When a base word ends with a consonant and y, change the y to i before adding es or ed. When a base word ends with a f or fe change the f to v before adding es.

Yellow List
  1. babies
  2. stories
  3. cried
  4. calves
  5. lives
  6. body
  7. family
  8. half
Blue List
  1. babies
  2. puppies
  3. stories
  4. cried
  5. dried
  6. calves
  7. wives
  8. lives
  9. body
  10. family
  11. half
  12. worried
  13. emptied
  14. libraries
Green List
  1. studies
  2. libraries
  3. worried
  4. emptied
  5. shelves
  6. knives
  7. body
  8. family
  9. half
  10. stories
  11. lives
  12. cried

Friday, April 5, 2013

March Awards

 April not only brings us a new month, but a new quarter of the year as well! As we head into our fourth and final quarter of the year, we celebrate our many accomplishments.

March may have been the best month yet for reading minute rewards. We had 15 students make their goal last month! Let's shoot for all 20 in April!

We had 9 classmates with absolutely NO late work in March! They were Jonah, Aidren, Brett, MJ, Jacob, Courtney, Austin, Phing, and Makenna! 
 Students who had Above the Line awards this month with no warnings are Jonah, Aidren, Reagan, Genna, MJ, Mari, Jacob, Shane, Courtney, Phing, Elijah, and Makenna! Keep up the great behavior!

 Our March students of the month are MJ and Mari!! You girls rock! These two ladies always have a positive, helpful attitude here at school and always have smiles on their faces!

With the end of the third quarter, we had 16 students CRUSH their AR goals! These awesome kids get to participate in game day next week! I can't wait to see how hard they work towards their new goals in this last quarter!

This is spring?

Welcome to April!! WHY DO WE STILL HAVE SNOW!?

This week:

Jonah yelled, “We had awards!”
Ella screamed, “We finished the train in Art!”                                       
Kobe howled,”We have GYM today!”
Aidren screamed, “We started JA.”
Reagan shouted, “We did volleyball in gym yay!”
Brett screamed,  “We are making windmills in art yay!”                                                                           
Genna yelled, “We are making a pinwheel in art.”
MJ whispered, “We are having our spelling test.”
Mari announced, “We turned in our state reports!“
Cody yelled, “We are done with recorders!“
Jacob announced, “We’re done with our social studies boxes.”
Amelia exclaimed, “We got our recorder belts in music!”
Bethany whispered, “We finished our train painting in art.”
Shane yelled, “we are done with 3rd Quarter AR!”  
Courtney exclaimed, “We got a new range for AR!”
Austin yelled, “We play volleyball in gym!”
Isaiah yelled, “We played volleyball in gym!!!!!”
Phing howled, “We played a new dodgeball!”
Makenna yelled, “The snow is melting!!!’’

Monday, April 1, 2013

Spelling List 25

List 25 contains words with the endings -ed and -ing. When a base word ends in e, drop the e before adding -ed or -ing. When a base word ends with one vowel and one consonant, the consonant is usually doubled before -ed or -ing is added.

Yellow List
  1. smiled
  2. cared
  3. saving
  4. being
  5. turned
  6. joking
  7. saving
  8. using

Blue List
  1. smiled
  2. cared
  3. dropped
  4. rubbed
  5. saving
  6. joking
  7. tapping
  8. grinning
  9. being
  10. turned
  11. beginning
  12. wrapped
  13. using

Green List
  1. wrapped
  2. behaved
  3. excused
  4. sneezing
  5. using
  6. beginning
  7. being
  8. turned
  9. dropped
  10. rubbed
  11. grinning