Friday, February 15, 2013

Spelling List 20

List 20 contains words that end with -er or -le. In words with more than one syllable,
                • The final /r/ sound is often spelled-er
                •The final /l/ is often spelled -le

Yellow List
  1. little
  2. summer
  3. chapter
  4. example
  5. paper
  6. later
  7. able
  8. November
Blue List
  1. little
  2. summer
  3. later
  4. purple
  5. ever
  6. chapter
  7. able
  8. November
  9. example
  10. paper
  11. country
  12. color
  13. travel
  14. mumble

Green List
  1. icicle
  2. thermometer
  3. barrel
  4. mumble
  5. travel
  6. color
  7. chapter
  8. November
  9. country
  10. example

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