Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Spelling List 31

List 31 contains words with unexpected consonant patterns (wr, kn, gn).
Some words have unexpected consonant patterns. “K” is silent before “n” at the beginning of a word or  syllable. “W” is silent before “ r” at the beginning of a word or syllable. “G” is silent when it comes before “n”.

Yellow List
  1. knot
  2. knife
  3. knock
  4. write
  5. wring
  6. wreath
  7. gnat
  8. gnaw
  9. knew
  10. answer
Blue List
  1. knot
  2. knife
  3. knock
  4. write
  5. wring
  6. wreath
  7. gnat
  8. gnaw
  9. knew
  10. answer
  11. sign
  12. design
  13. knight
Green List
  1. sign
  2. design
  3. wriggle
  4. wreckage
  5. knowledge
  6. knight
  7. knock
  8. knew
  9. answer
  10. knot
  11. knife

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