Sunday, November 25, 2012

List 10 Spelling

The "aw" sound can be spelled with these patterns:
  • aw, as in lawn
  • augh, as in caught
  • au, as in cause
  • al, as in talk
Can you think of some other words with similar patterns?

Yellow List-
  1. money
  2. upon
  3. because
  4. walk
  5. draw
  6. also
Blue List-
  1. draw
  2. walk
  3. because
  4. taught
  5. crawl
  6. also
  7. hawk
  8. caught
  9. money 
  10. upon
  11. daughter
  12. author
  13. pause 
Green List -
  1. daughter
  2. author
  3. calm
  4. pause
  5. awkward
  6. sauce
  7. money
  8. upon
  9. because
  10. caught
  11. taught

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