Friday, March 1, 2013

Spelling List 22

Listen for the base word and remove the suffix to break them down and write the word in parts.

A suffix is a word part added to the end of a base word. It adds meaning to the base word.
           · -ly,- meaning “in a way that is”
           · -able,- meaning “able to
           · -less,- meaning “without”

Yellow List-
  1. hard
  2. move
  3. friendly
  4. nameless
  5. endless
  6. helpless
  7. slowly
Blue List-
  1. friendly
  2. nameless
  3. move
  4. endless
  5. slowly
  6. helpless
  7. usually
  8. hard
  9. sadly
  10. capable
  11. workable
  12. readable
  13. breakable
  14. proudly
Green List-
  1. proudly
  2. breakable
  3. capable
  4. worthless
  5. rapidly
  6. move
  7. friendly
  8. hard
  9. weightless
  10. usually

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