Monday, March 11, 2013

Spelling List 23

Listen for the base word and remove the suffix to break them down and write the word parts.

A suffix is a letter or group of letters, that is added to the end of a root (base) word such as:

                   •“ful” meaning “ full of”

                  •“er” meaning “one who…”

                  •“ness” meaning “state of being…”

Yellow List
  1. near
  2. hand 
  3. fish
  4. thankful
  5. teacher
  6. helper
  7. careful
  8. colorful

Blue List

  1. careful
  2. thankful
  3. colorful
  4. teacher
  5. helper
  6. sickness
  7. smallness
  8. dryness
  9. near
  10.  hand
  11.  fish
  12. happiness
  13. wonderful
  14. builder

Green List
  1. grateful
  2. happiness
  3. wonderful
  4. catcher
  5. roughness
  6. builder
  7. thankful
  8. teacher
  9. careful
  10. helper
  11. near

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