Monday, April 8, 2013

Spelling List 26

This week's list contains noun and verbs that change endings (y to i,+ es or ed: f to v+es)

When a base word ends with a consonant and y, change the y to i before adding es or ed. When a base word ends with a f or fe change the f to v before adding es.

Yellow List
  1. babies
  2. stories
  3. cried
  4. calves
  5. lives
  6. body
  7. family
  8. half
Blue List
  1. babies
  2. puppies
  3. stories
  4. cried
  5. dried
  6. calves
  7. wives
  8. lives
  9. body
  10. family
  11. half
  12. worried
  13. emptied
  14. libraries
Green List
  1. studies
  2. libraries
  3. worried
  4. emptied
  5. shelves
  6. knives
  7. body
  8. family
  9. half
  10. stories
  11. lives
  12. cried

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