Monday, April 22, 2013

Spelling List 28

This list contains words with a vowel + r Sound (r- controlled vowels) pattern.

 Remember these spelling patterns for the vowel + r sounds:

•“ar” as in start

•“ear” as in clear

•“or” as in storm

Yellow List
  1. start
  2. Arctic
  3. charm
  4. near
  5. clear
  6. hear
  7. storm
  8. more
  9. door
  10. year
  11. toward

Blue List
  1. start
  2. Arctic
  3. charm
  4. near
  5. clear
  6. hear
  7. storm 
  8. more
  9. door
  10. year
  11. toward
  12. appear
  13. alarm
  14. backyard

Green List
  1. alarm
  2. backyard
  3. appear
  4. unclear
  5. force
  6. sword
  7. door
  8. year
  9. toward
  10. start
  11. Arctic

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