Monday, January 14, 2013

Spelling List 14

List 14 contains words with the 'j' sound (j, g, dge). The j sound can be spelled with the following patterns:
  • consonant j
  • consonant g followed by e, i, or y
  • with the letters dge.
Yellow List:
  1. page
  2. change
  3. large
  4. edge
  5. june
  6. stage
  7. judge

Blue List:
  1. judge
  2. stage
  3. gym
  4. giant
  5. edge
  6. June
  7. jeans
  8. large
  9. page 
  10. change
  11. subject
  12. giraffe
  13. imagine
Green List:
  1. language
  2. giraffe
  3. orange
  4. gentle
  5. imagine
  6. subject
  7. page
  8. change
  9. judge
  10. giant
  11. June
  12. large

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