Sunday, January 27, 2013

Spelling List 17

List 17 contains words that begin with be- and a-. In two-syllable words, the unstressed sound at the beginning of a word may be spelled with an a- or be-

Yellow List
  1. ago
  2. above
  3. about
  4. before
  5. alive
  6. across
  7. behind
Blue List
  1. above
  2. about
  3. ahead
  4. ago
  5. before
  6. behind
  7. between
  8. alive
  9. against
  10. began 
  11. across
  12. afraid
  13. belief
  14. avoid
Green List
  1. afraid 
  2. belief
  3. amusing
  4. beneath
  5. avoid
  6. adapt
  7. against
  8. began
  9. across
  10. between
  11. above
  12. below
  13. ahead
  14. before

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